Intense Football Game Re-cap Oct.15th Arvada Bulldogs Vs. Middle Park High School

Varsity Football Wins vs. Middle Park High School  21-14.  We scored the first touchdown Jeremiah Peralta scored the first one Jeremiah Peralta is the running back. After we scored Middle Park High School got a touchdown as well. It was a really intest game we kept on going back to back and we know we had a chance to win them. Arvada scored a touchdown in the 4 quarter Cody Neslon scored the touchdown Cody Neslon is the quarterback and our kicker as well did Middle Park scored a touchdown. Making us tie and go into overtime. Arvada Bulldogs and Middle Park were in overtime for about 7 minutes. Arvada intercepted the ball during overtime. Jeremiah Peralta scored the last touchdown. Making us win with the ending score of 21-14.