Recently our school has incorporated its new hall pass system. This new pass system consists of using your phone to scan QR codes that are placed on teachers desks. A teacher’s desk students will then use their phone to scan using the five star app. Depending on what type of pass you need, you will scan it and it will bring up a timer.
“It helps us track the time a student left class and the time they come back”- Mr Grim the five star students is a lot easier for students and teachers “I’ve noticed students spending less time on their bathroom breaks,” as said by Mrs. Rathjen.
The new hall passes are keeping students in the classroom and out of the hallway, which was the goal. When asked if the electronic passes were going to replace regular paper passes assistant principal Tessa Rathjen said “That’s the plan.”
This is a good change and produces less paper waste, the paper passes are a lot quicker than writing a pass out, it also goes straight to the teachers computer.
“We’re one of the first schools in the district that’s trying it out.” They put a lot of time and effort into making sure they found the right app and the best option for students and teachers to use hall passes.
So far these passes are better in time efficiency, as well as making it easier to know that a student is always safe and in the building. It benefits the school as a whole. It’s a new way of trying to make the school more modern and easier to navigate. The school as a whole along with the addition of Five-Star is one of the changes that has been made that could potentially be very beneficial.