GT Passion Project

Cory Bonner

The GT program is the only class that allows students to think differently. Projects are constantly being worked on, students who are in these classes get to show who they are and share their interests. Kids are making music circles and food drives, trying to get students to come together and show the good parts of the school.

“I like it. I think it’s pretty fun to do,” said Josh Salmans a freshman.

They have their own room and their own supplies that they can use, like access to computers and other needed materials. It is also a recourse students can use to get their work done. 

“Hanging out with the people in here and it’s like a calm class if you need to do work, you can do it,” Salmans says.

They have class discussions, just to check up on the students in the class and see what they can do to help their classmates.

“Kids express what they love and teaching others about what they love and have other extensions,” Lilo Martinez says another student in the 9th grade.

This class is providing a very friendly and helpful environment which is ran by David Holt a social studies teacher and Molly Jordan one of the assistant principals.  The projects students are working on will hopefully cast a better light on and accurately represent our school.

“People are learning more about what they can do and do it better” says Martinez.

Also, this is a family run school and class students have the ability to talk with people when they need  it.

“We can ask parents and teachers for help” says Salmans and Martinez.

This class is bringing kids and the school together, even with the smallest project each kid has an opportunity to represent their school and connect with other students about their work.