Last Friday, March 7th, our seniors had to present their capstone project. Capstone is a project that you must complete and present at the end of your senior year and is a requirement to graduate. You start working on Capstone during your junior year and follow it through to graduation.
Cashius Perry says “I was nervous of failing but the hardest part was procrastinating and holding if off until a week before. My capstone was about being a musician in denver and thats what i want to do”
All that hard work paid off for Cash and he passed!
Taylor Dye said, “My capstone was the homeless project with Ms. Accera. I was scared i was gonna fail and not have my presentation up to the teachers standards. The hardest part was the fact that the rules and requirements changed every single year and it was frustrating.”
Taylor also passed her capstone and plans to be a pilot after high school.
Congratulations to all of our seniors who passed.